What do we do?

What exactly does the anaesthesia team do for those 20,000 hours every year?

Anaesthesia is about more than just sleep.

Here’s the thing. Although anaesthesia involves looking after people during an operation, our work involves lots of other things too.

This includes:

  • Providing sedation services in lots of areas in the hospital.

  • The daily work of the Acute Pain Service to keep kids comfortable.

  • Supporting our colleagues in the emergency department, neonatal intensive care unit and paediatric intensive care unit.

  • Providing anaesthesia for children having vital medical imaging to help get a diagnosis.

  • Training and educating people from all over.

  • Running pre-anaesthetic clinics.

  • Providing specialised testing and genetics services.

  • Undertaking cutting edge research across a huge spectrum of areas.

And yes, sometimes our work looks like we help people sleep.

We work in so many areas of the hospital that every dollar we raise through fundraising is providing help all over. It’s not just about the operating theatres.

And if you spend a little more time on this site you can learn more about a lot of the areas listed above.

Or if this was all you needed to hear, you can always start raising funds now.


The Challenge: A How to Guide


Where will your money go?