The Challenge: A How to Guide
At this point hopefully you’re thinking about how to do this thing. Or maybe you’re thinking ‘this is all a bit weird how do you even do this thing?’
Well this is the post that hopefully makes it seem really simple. A step-by-step guide to signing up and getting everything ready for October 12-16.
Step 1: Get inspired.
Look at all those people. Snoozing. Well, pretending to be snoozing for marketing reasons.
Jumping up and down. Running here and there. Definitely not also for marketing reasons but because it’s just the daily example they inspire us with.
The great thing is that when you get to the end of this, you’ve probably taken care of step 1 - get inspired.
Step 2: Go to the site where you sign up.
This site right here is obviously ace. But actually you have to go to the fundraising page to either donate or sign up and be part of the ‘doing things’ team. That site is available with this link. (This is the bit where you go and click it and figure out what to do next all by yourself. Or alternatively read on.)
Step 3: Sign up to fundraise.
Donations are amazing. We would love to have people join the team though. So if you choose the big button that says ‘Sign up & fundraise’ you’ll see something that looks a bit like this.
If you’ve ever signed up for anything, it will all look pretty familiar. This is the bit where you sign up.
And then once you go beyond that you get to add a few details about your page. It looks like this…
Obviously you’re allowed to say you’re fundraising in a team.
Now you might notice that it just says ‘what’s your fitness time target?’ And you might be thinking ‘actually I’m just planning to pledge some of my sleep as ‘sleep that is on behalf of this very intense challenge’. No dramas. As we’ve said elsewhere, sleep is definitely about health.
Also it turns out that the website functionality doesn’t let us have something that says ‘are you choosing snoozing OR striding?’ at this point.
Plus as it turns out a few people have asked if they can pledge a bit of both. Which is also not a drama.
So for now you just say ‘this many hours’. And you’re away.
Step 4: Share it about.
When you're setting up a page it will automatically come up with a sample bit of text that we’ve slotted in as an example of what you might like to say. t looks like this…
Hi there
I am joining the 'Snooze and Stride' campaign to help the Anaesthesia team at The Children's Hospital at Westmead. My goal is to raise $*|amount|*. Please help me by making a donation through my page.
The Snooze and Stride Challenge will run from October 12 to October 16. I am setting myself a goal to clock up *|amount of hours|* of *|snoozing or exercise|*
Knowing you are supporting me on this mighty quest will really help me get there. It only takes a minute and any money you can give will go a long way to helping me reach my fundraising target. And if I reach my target we're both helping kids.
Thank you, I really appreciate your support...
Now we know you’re a discerning person who is 3 steps ahead of all things all at once while you play 5 dimensional chess. So you will have noted there are a few bits with asterisks there that need your tweaks. So get on and tweak those (or just reword the whole thing).
Now you’re ready to share it. Email. Texts. Social media. Skywriting. Everything that comes to mind.
Actually maybe not a tattoo. Seems extreme.
Step 5: The October Updates and Logging Your Hours
So we arrive at October 12-16. You’ve come up with an amazing plan to walk/run/cycle/swim/snooze in a flotation tank/continuously chill out in a hammock/also hang the hammock in a boat so you can row while also being in that hammock.
Whatever it is you're keen to let the whole world know about it.
This is where updates come in.
You log into your page and you can see something a bit like this…
Those updates are the key to sharing your brilliance. Plus your totals will get added to the big total of everyone’s effort.
Now obviously I could have included something a bit less vague as my update.
And you’ll also note (remembering that whole thing about you being a discerning person) that the update options are a bunch of versions of exercise and ‘Other’.
Well ‘other’ can be every variant of ‘stride’ you can come up with from skydiving (probably hard to do for an hour?) to a solid pogo workout.
But that’s also where snooze comes in.
As in, that’s the only spot where you can record that it’s ‘sleep’ that you’re banking.
For now that’s just the reality of the functionality of the fundraising page.
That’s it. Well, we’ll probably learn things along the way. Plus folks will point out things that just haven’t occurred to us yet.
But for now we would love to have you sign up. Just you. Or a team of people just like you.
And also we’d love you to look at the video again.
We really like the video.